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Ongoing Programs

Free Tech Help—every Monday from 1–3 PM. Jim Whitman from Community Concepts provides help with tech issues. Bring your device(s) and questions. Call 207-240-7843 to set up an appointment time or just drop in if you don't mind waiting for a turn.

Morning Stories—every Tuesday at 10 AM. Storytime and activities for young children up to 6 years of age.

Homeschool Reading Club—every Tuesday 11–11:30 AM for children in grades K–4. Come and talk about reading. Learn how to search for books, enjoy books, and even how to make a book!

Game Night—1st Monday of the month, 5–7 PM. This is informal, and those who come decide what board or card game to play.

Book Club—2nd Monday of the month, 6–7 PM. On March 10th, we will discuss The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton.

Daytime Book Club—2nd Wednesday of the month at 1 PM. On March 12th, we will discuss How to Read a Book by Monica Wood.

LEGO Club—3rd Monday of the month, 5:30–6:30 PM. This club is for LEGO lovers ages 6–12. Join us for a fun time creating!

Fiber Arts—4th Monday of the month, 5–7 PM. Any handicraft is welcome, and crafters may come any time to enjoy quiet, company, and conversation.
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