How To Get Involved
Friends of the Library
The Friends of ZLFL is a separate non-profit group with the mission of helping the Library staff and patrons, primarily by volunteering and fundraising. From running book sales and special events to allocating funds for extra programs and services, to providing refreshments and muscle for various events, Friends bring a supply of energy and time to expand the scope of what our Library can offer to our community.
To join this Friendly group, or to find out more, fill out an interest form at the Library or come to the next Friends Group meeting.
You don't have to be a "Friend" to volunteer at the Library. If you like to alphabetize or clean or would like to assist the Library staff with materials and projects within the Library, you can apply to be a Volunteer. Stop in at the Library for an application.
Library Committee
The Committee supports Library staff in their goals of providing a safe, well-maintained, and accessible building, as well as exploring ways to meet the learning, cultural, and recreational needs of the community.
The Library Committee is composed of 7 members, representing the towns of Buckfield, Hartford, and Sumner, as appointed by the Town of Buckfield.